About Us

Coast Dog Aviation Ltd. is THE professional aircraft maintenance operation located in the Fraser Valley and offers a wide variety of services for aircraft from small piston singles to multi-engined turbo props, light jets and all aircraft on floats, amphibs, and skis. We can give you the service and confidence that you deserve. Our professional staff has the knowledge, skill and experience to provide you with the highest quality of maintenace at an affordable price. Why would you take your aircraft to a shop that does not have our experience or quality?
Most inspections can be flat rated to eliminate those surprises that nobody enjoys, all snags would then be discussed with you to determine the correct action to be taken and the costs involved. We believe in making aviation affordable while keeping safety the first priority.
We will do everything in our power to complete your required maintenance in a timely manner so you will not be without your aircraft when you really want it.
Contact us at 604-465-7255 to schedule your next shop visit or get a quote on the next project on your wish list.
References are available on request.